Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I shouldn't be stressing out but...too late! Aaah!

I feel very screwed this week...

-2D project: all 45 tracings(8x8in) drawn and inked due tomorrow at 9am (I am currently at 35 with only 5 inked)
-drawing: fully composed, fully developed drawing, with color highly recommended, of something incorporating a tulip due Thursday at 9am (I have not started.)
-Issues in Art Making: Read chapter 4 by Friday (because there is a quis on it!)
-3D: find an object and spray paint it white for Thursday. (I had the object, but it's not gonna work, and I have no way of getting spray paint for Thursday) Also, get 3 images as posibilities for next assignment.
-English: Find topic and start research on it.
-Art History: nothing...yet. Paper coming soon.
-Thursday: 1:00pm-1:30pm Red Caps Interview!

I'm not really sure where sleeping and eating works in though, or breathing.

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