Monday, July 10, 2006

Driving (My Wonderful Week)

Driving, driving, driving
Where will I go?
Where do I want to be?
Who am I with?
Who do I want to see?

To a house of grandeur
Pool and canine included
The fun that it brought
Completely exclusive
A mother, a friend,
A brother, and then
Just the two of us
And dear caramel

But not the topping
On our cream
Cold and sweet
A pleasant treat
With crispy rain
Atop the mound
From which we scooped
And swallowed down

So thank you, Lord
For all you do
What fun we had
And time with You
A time much needed
For us and for You
How perfect Your plan
For a bored, lonely two!

Hot dogs for breakfast
On the last day
Before we shoved off
And went on our way
Packed and ready to go
Then miles of road
Miles of road
The road

Driving, driving, driving
Fast and slow, stop and go
This time with mother and sibblings
And male friend, too
We laughed, we joked, told stories, and the like
Then flashing lights
Of authority went by
Oh, my!
An under cover scapegoat revealed
But they, too
May have been in the wrong
Just as we were
Another path to laughter
Just the same

Uppon arrival the cousins came
Swift and hugging
A family missed ever so much
Until reunion sunk in
More fun and games
Then to the place
Where ocean collided with the sand
It would be ours for a short while
And afterwards, we showered clean
The air was tainted
With salt and soapy fragrances

One night time spent above the sand
Then a message to turn in for the night
An early morning followed
With a rising sun in the distant sky
A place too far to swim to
Peaceful and in good company
A dear friend at my side
Embraced by our Father
As well as by each other
Then away to rock ourselves
To sleep once more

We awakened for the stampede
A young woman of my blood
Crossed the line in sixteenth
Out of a thousand other females at least
What a weekend of events we had!
Mini-golf, the grove, games, and cafe
How happy and sad a time
On the closing day
Hugs, farewell, with love and concern
A penny found can be a penny earned

And home once again
A chance for building endurance
A chance to cool down
In more ways than one
Food, movie, cake and ice cream
Double feature
Sleepy, but I made it through
'T was my favorite, after all

And then you had to drive again
Driving, driving, driving
At the end of a wonderful week
I like you...

1 comment:

Still Daddy said...

Celebrated with family
Friends dear included
A dip, two actually
Swimming unprepared for
A bounciful dinner
A boom
A bang
Flying over moistened grass
More if not for bugs
Many prayers
Many hugs
A drive home
A peaceful sleep
Hot dogs to follow