Monday, April 14, 2008

God Through the Woman in Yellow

It's amazing how God can use one seemingly insignificant situation to bring you back to Him. Other people might bring something to you over and over, trying to get you to see the error of your ways, not because they are out to get you but because they love and care about you. But being the stubborn, prideful monkey that you are, you don't really let what they are saying to you soak in enough to effect you. You know they are concerned, yet you are too stubborn to admit they are right. So out of your own stubbornness, you continue on the way you've been going, regardless of what you know to be the right way.

Then God Himself comes and gives you a push. Subtle, yet so convicting. Through someone I don't even know, and may never know, He showed me the severity of the choice I was making not to spend time with Him. It's funny how a direct message won't cause you to budge, but then the indirect happens and you just get it.

Praise God!

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