Friday, December 18, 2009

What's a married artist to do?

I feel like such a bum lately. I know I'm not. I've been staying busy, painting and cleaning and the like. But part of me feels like I'm still being lazy. Like I should be doing something of greater importance. Like... I don't know what. Finding a job, I guess. Or figuring out how I can give private art lessons to kids. I know I would love that. But am I ready for it? I sometimes feel like I don't know enough, like I still need more lessons myself.

And what about ministry? What is God's will for my life? Is it okay that Adam is the only one making any kind of money for both of us? I mean, yes, I had a commission not too long ago and made a little from that. But now what? I like the art stuff I've been doing, but is it practical? I'm just experimenting anyway. Should I be working toward something with greater potential? Something I know works?

During the Night of Joy show, a lot of people came up to me to tell me how much they loved my work. It was mostly work from my senior show in college. I can't show the same stuff forever though. I need some fresh ideas. I need to be focusing on a new body of work. But what should I do? And what the heck will I do with it once it's done?

Think entrepreneurially!


1 comment:

Carrie Cooper said...

Carrie @

I stumbled across your blog--love your honest questions about Gods will for your life. Its something Ive struggled with, especially when I thought my life would be different than it is. I was diagnosed with a crippling chronic illness four years remission now, but sense Gods call again to reach out to others hurting from lifes crazy turns.

Praying for you that God would open your eyes and heart to His plan for you.