Monday, June 04, 2007

Starving... One is a choice; One is not

If I am hungry, then I can eat. I can eat if I choose to. There is no worry in my mind that I may not be able to eat tomorrow. Because I am just that fortunate, that blessed. To live in the United States of America, to have come from a middle-class family, and to have grown up not knowing the feeling of starvation... well, I've just been thinking about that. I know how I feel when I have not had much to eat in a day. But I can't even imagine what it must be like to go for days without eating.

And there's something else I don't understand. These people who have the opportunity to eat, but choose not to because they want to be skinnier. It's one thing to fast for health or spiritual reasons, but starving yourself to fit into some tiny box of society's idea of what is beautiful or "sexy" is sad. Not to say that people who do this to themselves are bad people. I feel really sorry for them. I wish there was a way to let them all know that they are beautiful, no matter what the world says, and that they are loved just the way they are. And I wish they knew that starving themselves is hurting the people around them.

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