Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happy Thursday!

Yea so... today is Thursday. I could have gone to bed early last night, but I didn't. Don't ask me why because I'm not really sure. I think I need to turn my computer off completely one of these days and put it away so that I'll be too lazy to take it back out. Then maybe I'd get something constructive done, like work. And then maybe I would go to bed earlier, instead of checking facebook, reading everyone's away meassage, talking to the still-awake people on AIM, and... updating my blog. I even get distracted by my music. I mean, c'mon! I can't get anywork done if I don't have good music playing, right? So anyways... today before 3D I had the perfect opportunity to take a shower and take a nap. So I got back from drawing, took a shower, and started working on a playlist for my mom. so yea, i got about a half hour nap instead of the hour i could've had. But right now I'm exhausted and need a nap before seeing hawkapella and some other groups. Then it's time for more work. Love you all! ttyl

Peace and love!

BTW The best part about Thursday is the Friday after it!

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