Friday, February 03, 2006

A Capella Concert

I went to an a capella concert tonight. It was on campus at 10:00 for only a dollar. It was so awesome! I got to see some people I know perform (one person in particular ^_^). Plus, my dad happened to be in the Hartford/West Hartford area and came with me to see it. I don't see or talk to my family that much with work and activities and all. So it was nice to spend some time with my Daddy! And a lot of my friends were at the show so he got to meet them. He also got to meet my CJ. After the totally amazing, I asked what my dad what he thought of him. The answer was something along the lines of... "I can tell he's a nice guy" or "a good kid" or something... so that meant he liked him, even though it was a very brief introduction.

So tomorrow I might go to see The End of the Spear with some friends from bible study. That should be good fun! ...especially if we get transportation! Then comes the stressfulness of the weekend for which I have a LOT to do. First, I have to get at least three plates (as in "templates" I suppose) done for 2D, in which I have a simplified outlined of an image and have to glue strange or interesting materials to it in a specific way. There wil be six total, but I need three done for Monday. Also for Monday, I must have some stories read for English. I think there might even be some questions to do, but I'm not sure. And I also have to find still life objects for a drawing assignment in tuesday's class. And of course there is church on Sunday. There will be other little things I have to do also, but for now I have to work on my Issues homework and finish up my application for Red Caps.

Peace and love kids!

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