Well, this is my first website where I can actually just write whatever I want. Thoughts, concerns, stories, anything! I almost wish I had started one earlier. A lot has happened since college started, and it seems most of my friends here have some kind of site where they post their thoughts and ideas. And I always find it interesting to read about how they are doing or what they've been thinking. So... I guess it's my turn to start this blog thingy. I'm usually not that great at updating stuff like this though, but we'll see how it goes.
In the beginning...
Hmmm... As of right now I am on winter break. So...Where should I start? Maybe just a summary on my school year thus far. College. Woo-hoo! Or maybe not... not the whole time. In the beginning things were a bit difficult with roommates and whatnot. Dorm life was a big change from home living, and on top of it, I had just be baptised about a week before hand. So I was sort of trying to stay close to God and not let little things bother me. But everything seemed to be a big deal in my suite with late party drinkers coming home and waking me up all the time. Things have settled down since then and I'm cool with my roommates now. Besides, as the semester progressed, I was in the dorm less and less, pulling all nighters in the studio or coming home really late, so I wasn't around enough to be bothered with drunk suitemates and their friends. Actually, even though we are all really different, I think there's something kind of neat about each of us because of it, and we're sort of like a little disfunctional family...
Anyway, so that was how my dorm life went. And of course, God provided me with the path to amazing friends! He blessed me with the greatest classmates, all of whom I am friends with, and people outside of my classes. One of my best friends lives in the double next to my room. We went to a Bible meeting one night and now are members of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). We met such awesome people there, and now Chelsea is dating one of the leaders, Craig. I love them to death! I have learned so much from them, about life with God, good faith, and good food, too! Praise GOD for helping me find a way to stay on the right track while I'm at school! The right track to stay near Him, no doubt. *sigh* I love God!
Yea so... toward the end of the semester, as finals approached, and as the work load increased to epic proportions, I continued to go to Bible study Friday nights and hang out with IVCF friends, using that as my time of rest and thanks to God for getting me through another week. I even went to see Narnia one night with Chelsea, Craig, Adam(Chels' cousin-he's mad cool), CJ, Dan, and Erik(or maybe it's Eric...). And other nights everyone would go to our dorm and we'd watch a movie or something. Like one time we watched a movie I had called A Girl With A Pearl Earring (after the famous painting by Vermer) cuz no one had anyhing else to watch I guess, or at least nothing no one had already seen. So we went to CJ's dorm to get a DVD player and came back to watch it our common room. It was fun! And there were other nights when we would just hang out and have tickle fights or play cards or whatever. And every Sunday morning we met up to go to Church. Saturdays and the rest of those Sundays were strictly all work for me though.
Unfortunately, in the middle of the semester I kind of stopped going to Bible study for a long time, and I stopped going to church. I felt guilty everytime, too. But work got the best of me and all I did was work, work, work. My schedule was something like this: (on monday and wednesday) 2D class from 9:00am-11:20am, then 10 minutes to get to the other side of campus for my 11:30 Art History class, then a break before my 2:00pm Drawing class to either sleep, eat, or work some more and only having time to do one of those things, then it was off to class from 2-4:20pm. Then I would go back to my dorm and sleep if i was too tired to do anything else, or work on english or art history papers. Then I would call up someone to go get dinner with me, usually my friend Miguel or Matej or Paul. Or sometimes Chelsea or Lauren (she's one of my best friends from home going to Uha for architecture, don't see her much though because I'm in the art school and our schedules don't work together much). Yea so, after food, I would pretty much go back to the dorm and pack up my studio stuff, portfolio or whateverI needed, and go to the studio for the rest of the night, working until at least 2 or 3 in the morning with Miguel and Matej, and a trip to Konover at some point for a sandwich. Then I'd go home (home being the dorm) and sleep for maybe 4 or 5 hours if i was lucky, depending on whether I had to take a shower or not, and in most cases, i did. And of course I can never sleep with brushing my teeth! Finally, I'd set my alarms so I had just enough time in the morning to get ready and go to my 9:00 3d studio class and start all over again (tuesdays and thursdays very similar routine).
So...yeah. I was pretty much obsessed with work, and probably still am, when I was at school. But I allowed in to become more important than God. Luckily, I realized that I couldn't keep killing myself with work and taking on all the pressure by myself. I thought that if I could just get all my work done first, then I would have time for God. But once I let God take over, I felt much more at ease about projects being finished on time and papers being written well enough to get the grades I needed, still being able to give my best effort. I made sure I went to Bible study every Friday night, and Church on Sundays. Hopefully, in this upcoming semester, I will be able to do all my work for Him and through Him. I will give him my best, and He will take care of me.
Oh yea! And it's a good thing I did start going to Bible study more, because God blessed me with an amazing young man (who I mentioned once before) named CJ. *blush* I like CJ...!
Wow... this is getting long, and there is so much to tell! Alright, well, this past weekend I went to visit Chelsea and Craig and I had a BLAST! We had good food, watched a movie at her cousin's house on Friday, slid around his kitchen floor with my socks, went to Chelsea's house, stayed up late and hung out, had cranberry juice waffles with a scoop of ice cream for breakfast, watched a movie, talked about stuff, played with her dog, slid around her kitchen floor with my socks, had dinner, went bowling, got gas, went to SuperWalmart(!!!) where I bought stuff for ice cream sundaes (lots of toppings!), took a shower and afterwards they said I smelled really good and started sniffing my hair and such, made sundaes, listened to good music the whole time, had awesome convorsations, awesome fun and laughter, and in the morning we had breasfast and went to church! But then i had to go home... : ( But it was all so much fun!
That night I went to my friend Dave's suprise party at Wooster's in Waterbury for pizza and stuff. Then we went to play pool! It was all fun, but I still miss school. I can't wait! January 22 seems so far away... Oh, and last night my Youth pastor and his wife came to my house for dinner. My dad cooked great food! It was fun! We talked and stuff and had dessert. It was kind of funny cuz my sisters were expecting two older people, but they are a very young couple, fresh out of college, as they put it. And they liked our dog, Ruby. haha it was quite a grand little time we all shared.
Ok, if you have read all this, God bless you! You must really care what I have to say, even though it's not that interesting... Well, I'm off to get ready for work! Let's see how often I update after this...
Peace and love!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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